competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 17, 2021

shine india magazine contact number

 shine india magazine contact number


shine india magazine contact number  Published this articles page no 173  Overall outlay for IMPRINT II is about Rs 670 crore during 2018 19 to 202122 with 5050 budget sharing between MHRD and DST. Like IMPRINT I this version also evoked wide spread enthusiasm. From 2145 initial proposals screened to 549 final proposals eventually only 122 projects were selected for funding after two rounds of rigorous review running over three months. Help from over 500 experts including the Expert Pool of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) was utilized for blind project review and knowledge management. Core mandate of IMPRINT II has been l Develop products/processes and viable technologies for addressing the identified challenges in different domains l Formulate and develop focused translational projects against identified technology thrust areas by various stakeholder ministries l Evolve new technology transfer models for enabling technology diffusion to industry and stakeholders Continuously monitor and refine the challenges and gaps in the various technology domains and collect feedback from stakeholder ministries/industry  Align the programmers and projects with the needs of various industry sectors and the States of India in order to achieve enduser translation l Facilitate building capability and competence in identified technology thrust areas in the various HEIs and universities in order to plug the demand supply gap Detailed information about the scope mandate eligibility review/monitoring mechanism a n d f o r m a t / p r o c e d u r e f o r submission of preliminary and final project proposals are available in the IMPRINT website (www. shine india magazine contact number


shine india magazine contact number

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