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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 1 when you wake up on exam day one of two things is going to happen. well yes youre going to pass or fail. but what im thinking of comes before that and has a lot to do with how you perform on exam day. youre either going to have a tremendous feeling of anticipation or the dreaded feeling of being nervous about it. anticipation is a great thing to feel on exam day. youre driving to the exam center excited about the exam. youre much like a football player slapping another player on the helmet or the shoulder pads before the game starts. (warning: dont try this on the exam proctor.) you know theres a challenge ahead but youre looking forward to it. in your mind youre already victorious youre at the testing center only to make it official. conversely theres nothing worse than being nervous or feeling unprepared before the exam. ive driven up to an exam center and seen exam candidates doing some last-minute cramming in their car. sadly for them if theres something you were unprepared for at 8 am on exam day youre still going to be unprepared when you go into the test center no matter what you read in the car at the last minute. you dont see football players studying their playbook on the sideline before the game starts. its all about preparation. i regularly tell my students and customers that you dont pass a cisco exam (or any other vendor exam) the day you take it. you pass when you turn the tv off for weeks before the exam to study you pass when you spend time and money to attend a class or buy a book or training video you pass when you give up a weekend to get some hands-on experience. thats when you pass. the exam score you get is simply feedback on your exam preparation. theres a great saying prior preparation prevents poor performance. that describes to a t what your strategy to pass the exam must include bright group of publications junior science refresher buy. 


Junior science refresher magazine

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