competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 30, 2022

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription Published this article page no   121 Initiatives by NITI Aayog o NITI Aayogs Composite Water Management Index which ranks state includes water treatment capacity as parameter to enable effective water management. Case studies  Avadi Sewage Treatment Plant Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation has successfully constructed an offgrid sewage treatment plant that not only solved the problem of sewage disposal but also provided a pond of treated water for fishing vegetable cultivation and recharging of groundwater.  Sewagefed aquaculture system of Kolkata Farmers around Kolkata city in India developed a technique of using domestic sewage for fish culture and other agricultural purposes.  Zero liquid discharge in textile industry in Tirupur is first to opt for zero liquid discharge in a systematic manner eliminating the release of pollutants.  Singapores NEWater is reclaimed water purified using dualmembrane (via microfiltration and reverse osmosis) and ultraviolet technology can be used for potable and nonpotable purpose. About UNUINWEH  UNUINWEH acts as the UN Think Tank on Water and contributes to the resolution of the global water challenge through a unique programme of applied research and education.  It carries out its work in cooperation with other research institutions international organizations individual scholars and scientists throughout the world.  Its vision is to create a world free of water problems where sustainable human development and environmental health and security are assured for all. 54 o NITI Aayog under Urban Management Programme on Water Recycling and Reuse is working on capacity building for Urban Water Cycle Management for Sustainable and Resilient Water Infrastructure and Healthy Cities world focus magazine subscription buy. 

world focus magazine subscription

mathematics today magazine

mathematics today magazine

mathematics today magazine Published this article page no  51 UNDER5 MORTALITY RATE (U5MR) HALVED FROM 2000 TO 2017  Findings were part of India StateLevel Disease Burden Initiative (ISDBI) and have first comprehensive estimates of districtlevel trends of child mortality in India from 2000. o ISDBI is collaboration between Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and experts 70 and stakeholders from about 100 institutions across India.  Key highlights o U5MR and neonatal mortality rate (NMR) have dropped substantially since 2000. However Inequality between districts on these indicators has increased. For e.g. U5MR ranges from 8 to 88 per 1000 live births in 723 districts. o U5MR has dropped by 49% since 2000.  68% of under5 deaths are attributable to child and maternal malnutrition.  Leading causes of under5 deaths lower respiratory infections preterm birth diarrhoeal diseases and birth asphyxia and trauma.  Highest number of under5 deaths in 2017 was in Uttar Pradesh followed by Bihar. o NMR dropped by 38% since 2000.  83% of neonatal deaths are attributable to low birth weight and shorter gestation. o Study mentioned issues that individual states face and suggested to have an areaspecific plan to reduce child deaths mathematics today magazine buy.

mathematics today magazine

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran Published this article page no  08 ICJ is assisted by a Registry its administrative organ. Its official languages are English and French. The 15 judges of the Court are distributed in following regions 1. Three from Africa. 2. Two from Latin America and Caribbean. 3. Three from Asia. 4. Five from Western Europe and other states. 5. Two from Eastern Europe. Independence of judges Unlike other organs of international organizations the Court is not composed of representatives of governments. Members of the Court are independent judges whose first task before taking up their duties is to make a solemn declaration in open court that they will exercise their powers impartially and conscientiously.ICJ acts as a world court with two fold jurisdiction i.e. legal disputes between States submitted to it by them (contentious cases) and requests for advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies (advisory proceedings).  Only States which are members of the United Nations and which have become parties to the Statute of the Court or which have accepted its jurisdiction under certain conditions are parties to contentious cases.  The judgment is final binding on the parties to a case and without appeal (at the most it may be subject to interpretation or upon the discovery of a new fact revision). The Genocide Convention The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) is an instrument of international law that codified for the first time the crime of genocide. According to the Genocide Convention genocide is a crime that can take place both in time of war as well as in time of peace pratiyogita kiran buy.

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran Published this article page no  07 Ukraine has filed an application before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) instituting proceedings against the Russian Federation concerning a dispute relating to the interpretation application and fulfilment of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). Whats the issue? Ukraine has accused Russia of falsely claiming that acts of genocide have occurred in the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine and of using that as a pretext to recognise the independence of these regions and of going to war against Ukraine. About ICJ  ICJ was established in 1945 by the United Nations charter and started working in April 1946.  It is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations situated at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands).  Unlike the six principal organs of the United Nations it is the only one not located in New York (USA).  It settles legal disputes between States and gives advisory opinions in accordance with international law on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies. Structure  The Court is composed of 15 judges who are elected for terms of office of nine years by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. These organs vote simultaneously but separately.  In order to be elected a candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes in both bodies.  In order to ensure a measure of continuity one third of the Court is elected every three years and Judges are eligible for reelection pratiyogita kiran buy. 

pratiyogita kiran

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

grihalakshmi magazine subscription

grihalakshmi magazine subscription

grihalakshmi magazine subscription Published this article page no  71 As per the Supreme Court mandated rules those left out of the draft NRC list had to mandatorily submit their biometrics during the hearings of claims (to include themselves in the NRC) and objections (to object to someone elses inclusion) process.  175  27 lakh people who were left out from the list published in 2018 submitted their biometric details and amongst these only 8 lakh people made it into the draft list published in 2019. However these 8 lakh people are struggling to get Aadhaar and concerned about benefits linked to it  Lack of clarity and inability to enjoy the full benefits emanating from Aadhar has caused significant mental pressure on individuals.  This situation has arisen primarily due to the lack of clarity over the NRC exercise since the government is withholding assigning Aadhar to these newly added individuals since the complete and final NRC list is yet to be published grihalakshmi magazine subscription buy.

grihalakshmi magazine subscription

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf  Published this article page no  63 Global warming and climate change have dominated the scientific discourse in the past more than one decade. With ever rising population of the world the climate change has put the humankind at a great risk along with other species.  Global warming rising levels of pollution due to ever increasing industrialisation declining forest cover and rising sea levels are some of the dangers that drastically affect the workings of life on the earth.  Though the largest polluters are big industries the WWF tries to make the masses more and more aware about the impending dangers of adverse climate so that they could put pressure on the respective governments to frame environmentfriendly policies and laws.  With Earth Hour the WWF aims to engage people across the globe to adopt more sustainable lifestyle. Turning off lights for an hour is just an annual reminder that if the world does not mend its ways it will be heading to a dark age literally. 18. Permanent Body constituted to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks Context The Union Environment Ministry has constituted a permanent coordination committee that includes the Ministry of Railways and the Environment Ministry to prevent elephant deaths on railway tracks. Background 19 elephants were killed across the country on railway tracks in 201819 14 in 201920 and 12 in 202021. Concern Railway collisions were the secondlargest reason for the unnatural deaths of elephants despite tracts being specifically demarcated and notified as elephant passages. Key measures taken 1. Setting up of a Permanent Coordination Committee between the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) and the MoEFCC for preventing elephant deaths in train accidents. 2. Clearing of vegetation along railway tracks to enable clear view for loco pilots. 3. Using signage boards at suitable points to alert loco pilots about elephant presence. 4. Moderating slopes of elevated sections of railway tracks. 5. Setting up underpassoverpass for safe passage of elephants. 6. Regulation of train speed from sunset to sunrise in vulnerable stretches. 7. Regular patrolling of vulnerable stretches of railway tracks by frontline staff of the Forest Department and wildlife watchers drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf buy.

drishti ias current affairs magazine pdf 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine  Published this article page no  51 Promotes medical tourism in the country: India is a huge market for surrogacy as is reflected from the fact that in 2012, the size of Indias surrogacy industry was $2 billion a year with more than 3,000 fertility clinics engaged in this across the country. Supports Intended Parents: By helping them exercise their right to life and complete their family. Shortcomings of the Act Total ban on Commercial surrogacy: A total ban on commercial surrogacy will push the industry underground and render surrogate mothers even more vulnerable. 76o In B. K. Parthasarthi v. Government of A.P, it was decided that the right to decide about reproduction is essentially a personal choice, and the states intrusion into such a decision-making process has to be stringently scrutinized. Restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples: The Apex Court in DEVIKA BISWAS V. UNION OF INDIA, held that right to reproduction is an essential facet of Right to Life under Article 21. o Thus, restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples and within a particular age group while denying reproductive choices to the LGBT community, single persons, and older couples is an evident violation of Article 21 and Article 14 as well. Issues with the Definition of infertility restricted to failure to conceive: It does not cover all cases in which a couple is unable to bear a child. o For example, medical conditions where woman may conceive but is unable to carry a child throughout the period of pregnancy chemistry today magazine mtg buy

chemistry today magazine

pratiyogita kiran English

 pratiyogita kiran English 

pratiyogita kiran English Published this article page no  43 From the financial year 2016-17, MoWCD has started the disbursement of grants-in-aid directly to the District Collectors of selected districts for implementation of BBBP Campaign. Issues as highlighted in report Inadequate use of funds sectoral interventions: Nearly 80% of the funds for the scheme has been used for its advertising and not on sectoral interventions such as in health and education for girls. Poor utilisation of funds: Since its inception till 2019-20, the total budgetary allocation was Rs 848 crore. Only 25.13% of the funds has been spent by the states/UT which reflects poor utilisation, resulting in poor performance. 71Improper monitoring: Irregular task force meetings and delays in collecting monthly reports or statement of expenditure from districts, reflects the non-compliance of the guidelines highlighting that the scheme is not being reviewed or monitored properly. Lack of functional toilets in schools is a major reason for dropping out of girls. Recommendations of the report Planned expenditure: The government should focus on other verticals by making ample financial provisions to help achieve measurable outcomes related to education and health envisaged under the scheme. Review and Monitoring: Regular audits and real-time updation of activities are necessary to ensure compliance. Target oriented approach: Funds should be release to the states/UT strictly on the basis of actual utilisation of earlier release and after proper scrutiny of expenditure/ utilisation of the previous funds. Nodal ministry must have a target-oriented approach for the states and must act in a time-bound manner. Infrastructure: Timeline should be finalised for constructing 100% segregated functional toilets for girls in government schools, and in convergence with Jal Shakti Mission, tapped water supply be ensured in them pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download buy.

pratiyogita kiran English