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Thursday, June 9, 2022

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine  Published this article page no  51 Promotes medical tourism in the country: India is a huge market for surrogacy as is reflected from the fact that in 2012, the size of Indias surrogacy industry was $2 billion a year with more than 3,000 fertility clinics engaged in this across the country. Supports Intended Parents: By helping them exercise their right to life and complete their family. Shortcomings of the Act Total ban on Commercial surrogacy: A total ban on commercial surrogacy will push the industry underground and render surrogate mothers even more vulnerable. 76o In B. K. Parthasarthi v. Government of A.P, it was decided that the right to decide about reproduction is essentially a personal choice, and the states intrusion into such a decision-making process has to be stringently scrutinized. Restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples: The Apex Court in DEVIKA BISWAS V. UNION OF INDIA, held that right to reproduction is an essential facet of Right to Life under Article 21. o Thus, restricting surrogacy only to heterosexual couples and within a particular age group while denying reproductive choices to the LGBT community, single persons, and older couples is an evident violation of Article 21 and Article 14 as well. Issues with the Definition of infertility restricted to failure to conceive: It does not cover all cases in which a couple is unable to bear a child. o For example, medical conditions where woman may conceive but is unable to carry a child throughout the period of pregnancy chemistry today magazine mtg buy

chemistry today magazine

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