competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, August 1, 2022

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today published this article 66 definition of unlawful content the definition of unlawful content is in terms of violation of sovereignty friendly foreign affairs public order decency or morality under article 19(2) of the constitution. the scope of such as definition is wide and allows the government to curb any information that goes against it. the activists fear that this might lead to the chinese model of censorship. o this also goes against the spirit of sc judgement in shreya singhal case whereby it struck down sec 66a of it act 2000. it was asserted in the judgement that vague and subjective used in the law such as annoyance inconvenience danger etc. doesnt come under the purview of a criminal proceeding. a penal law can be declared void on the ground of vagueness if it fails to define the criminal offense with definiteness drishti current affairs today buy.

drishti current affairs today

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