competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 58 once seated lennon spoke in discreet tones and told uri about an incident that happened six months before. he and yoko were asleep in bed when john suddenly woke up and noticed a blazing light shining through the cracks and keyhole of their bedroom door. thinking there was a fire or someone with a powerful flashlight trying to get into the room he jumped out of their bed and opened the door. he was confronted by four beings. lennon said they were like little. bug-like. big bug eyes and little bug mouths and they were scuttling at me like roaches. he tried to resist the beings but they kept coming at him. lennon said that his next memory was of being back in bed with yoko. yoko didnt wake up during the incident but later when she did it was obvious that john was very upset and confused. he couldnt tell her what happened right away and waited for an unspecified period of time before he did. exclaiming that he was sober and wasnt doing any drugs at that time lennon said it wasnt some sort of hallucination or lucid dream. according to geller johns assertion about the reality of what happened was backed up by physical evidence. when lennon woke up he claimed to be holding a small egg-shaped object in his hand. after eventually telling yoko about the incident he showed it to her. he also showed it to geller. none of them had ever seen anything like it. however apart from the golden color and egg shape little is none about the object and it would be up to geller to proceed with any investigation of its properties. many abductees have told stories of being given various objects by their alien abductors only to have them taken back later having met many celebrities over the years i can appreciate their need to weigh any statement they might consider making about anything carefully in the balances before speaking or writing it for public consumption. a fickle public and press can easily turn on someone famous for the smallest indiscretion. imagine how they might react to news that a famous celebrity or important politician has had a ufo or other paranormal experience junior science refresher magazine subscription.

 Junior Science Refresher

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