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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 59 was jesus born 2002 years ago? was he born in year zero? the first year ad was 1 - so jesus could not have been born in year zero. the very concept of zero was invented much later. numerous historical minutia in the gospels indicate that jesus must have been born before 4 bc. for example he was said to have been born during the reign of king herod who died in 4 bc. jesus mother mary was a virgin before it gave birth to him - and remained a virgin in perpetuity. this is the official (catholic) doctrine. but jesus had brothers and sisters - plenty of siblings. st. paul wrote (galatians 118-19) then after three years i went up to jerusalem to see peter and abode with him fifteen days. but of the other apostles saw i none save james the lords brother. this very same james is also the son of one alpheus! all the brothers of jesus are the sons of this alpheus whose wifes name was ... mary! matthew 125 and he [joseph] knew her [mary] not until she had brought forth her first-born son... first-born meaning there were others who followed (second-born third-born etc.) matthew 1355-56 is this not the carpenters son? is not his mother called mary? and his brethren james and joses and simon and judas? and his sisters are they not all with us? mark 63 (referring to jesus) is this not the carpenter the brother of james and joses and of judas and simon? and are not his sisters here with us? according to both matthew and mark three women stood by the cross at the crucifixion mary magdalene mary the mother of james and of joses and the mother of zebedees children (salome). salome was virgin marys sister and therefore jesus maternal aunt. john (an eyewitness to the events) identifies mary as jesus mother - but distinguishes her from mary wife of alpheus and two other women (for a total of four women rather than three) john 1925 now there stood by the cross of jesus (1) his mother and (2) his mothers sister (3) mary the wife of cleophas [alpheus] and (4) mary magdalene. mary wife of alpheus could not have been the sister of the virgin mary as the church would have us believe. in jewish families two sisters cannot share the same name. john implies that mary mother of jesus was not the wife of alpheus father of james and joses and judas and simon who are identified as the brothers of jesus by all the other gospels junior science refresher magazine subscription!

 Junior Science Refresher

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