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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, December 13, 2021

mathematics today

mathematics today

mathematics today Published this article page no 17 Additional to this government of India has introduced a bill called “Right to education bill 2005”, which deal with early age child care and education for all children until they acquired the age of six. It also says that, it is the fundamental duty of every Indian parent to provide equal opportunities to his/her children of age of 6-14years to get education. 25% of Indian population still live below poverty line means <one dolor/day. (appox. 26 cores people). For them food is theirs first priority, out of total 226204139 population (6-14 year age group) 56573568 are from below poverty line families. To keep them with studies needs extra motivated approach, which missing today in national education system.The low adoption of modern education system by Muslims mathematics today magazine buy. 

mathematics today

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