competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine published this article 62 informing noncompliance a new rule 3(4) requires intermediary to inform its users at least once every month in case of noncompliance with rules and regulations user agreement and privacy policy.nodal person of contact the intermediary is liable to provide information sought by any government agency within 72 hours of the query. they are expected to appoint a nodal person of contact for 24x7 coordination with law enforcement agencies and officers to ensure compliance red magazine vizag subscription.

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

General knowledge Refresher

General knowledge Refresher 

General knowledge Refresher Published this article page no 26 if i were writing this article a decade back i would have been talking about how to input text in indian languages in a computer or a mobile phone and perhaps how to use email and web search in your favourite local language.  but times have changed and technologies as well as the ability to work with indian languages have evolved beyond the basics.  it organisations are now leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to enrich their products in order to make them more accessible to local language users.  artificial intelligence has started to change the very face of local language technologies products tools services and features.  language agnostic computing is one important aspect of digital inclusion which has started taking place due to the new developments in language technology space now powered by artificial intelligence General knowledge Refresher buy.

General knowledge Refresher 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle  Published this article page no 7 had not reconciled to british rule and the british pattern of administration.they resented the policy of annexation.they rose under chittur singh in 1822 and plundered the country around satara.a superior british force restored order in the area. generally the british followed a pacifist policy towards the ramosis. munda revolt (18991900) chhotanagpur the rebellion began as a religious movement but gathered political force for fight against feudal zamindari tenures and exploitation by moneylenders.british armed forces were then deployed at chhotanagpur.birsa was captured and imprisoned. other revoltsnaikada movement (1860s madhya pradesh and gujarat) against british and caste hindus Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle 

Banking services chronicle  Published this article page no 6 revolted as they had to face famine economic distress and misgovernment.bhils revolted again in 1825 1831 and in 1846.govind guru helped the bhils of south rajasthan to organise themselves to fight for a bhil raj by 1913.british used both force and conciliatory efforts to control the uprising. koli risings (1829 1839 and 184448) neighbourhoo d of bhilsresented the imposition of companys rule which brought with it largescale unemployment for them and the dismantling of their forts. ramosi risings hill tribes of the western ghats Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no   93 For the first time as part of the Ease of Living Index Assessment a Citizen Perception Survey is being conducted (which carries 30% of the marks of the EoLI).  This will help in directly capturing perception of citizens with respect to quality of life in their cities. INTEGRATED AIR DEFENCE WEAPON SYSTEM (IADWS) Why in news? The US has approved the sale of an Integrated Air Defence Weapon System (IADWS) to India at an estimated cost of $1.9 billion. Integrated Air Defence Weapon System (IADWS)  The Integrated Air Defence Weapon System (IADWS) is called as the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMSII). o It is an upgraded version of the NASAMS developed by the US firm Raytheon.  It will be a combination of different weapons like Stinger missiles gun systems and advanced mediumrange airtoair missiles (AMRAAMs) backed by 3D Sentinel radars firedistribution centres and commandandcontrol units. Significance of deal  Modernise Indias armed forces It helps to modernise Indias armed forces and to expand its existing air defence architecture to counter threats posed by air attacks.  Multilayered missile shield over the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi It will be used along with indigenous Russian and Israeli systems to erect an ambitious multilayered missile shield over the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi against aerial threats.  Strengthen the USIndian strategic relationship It helps to improve the security of a major defensive partner which continues to be an important force for political stability peace and economic progress in the IndoPacific and South Asia region.  Regional Balance The proposed sale comes amidst the massive military modernisation by China which is also flexing its military muscles in the strategic IndoPacific region Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe Published this article page no  49 FOR THE FIRST TIME INDIA HAS MORE RURAL NET USERS THAN URBAN  According to the Digital in India report by Internet & Mobile Association of India (a notforprofit industry body) as of November 2019 rural India had 10% more active internet users than urban India. 69 o Active internet users are those who use internet at least once a month.  With 504 million active internet users (aged 5 years or above) India has the secondlargest internet user market behind China.  Internet penetration in India is 40%. (88% for the US and 61% for China). o Internet Penetration rate is percentage of total population that uses Internet.  Increase in female internet users (26 million) was more than that of male internet users.  With cheaper smartphones & reduction in data plans 4G has become preferred choice of Internet connectivity.  Digital Services have assumed great importance for India with the Government actively promoting a vision of $1 trillion digital economy. UNIFIED MOBILE APPLICATION FOR NEWAGE GOVERNANCE (UMANG)  UMANG was launched in 2017 to bring major government services on a single mobile app with a larger goal to make government accessible on mobile phone of citizens.  About 660 services from 127 departments & 25 states and about 180 utility bill payment services are live on it.  Recently Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has brought 7 services of India Meteorological Department on UMANG app.  Services include Current weather weather warnings tourism forecast etc banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

Banking service chronicle

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no  123 PROTECTION OF PLANT VARIETIES AND FARMERS RIGHTS ACT Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority (PPV&FRA) under the PPV&FR Act has revoked a plant variety protection certificate granted to PepsiCo India Holding on FC-5 potato variety (also called as FL-2027) on multiple grounds. 62About the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights (PPV&FR) Act The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights (PPV&FR) Act, was enacted in 2001 under Article 27(3) (b) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). o The act is in conformity with International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1978 (an intergovernmental organization, to provide and promote an effective system of plant variety protection, with the aim of encouraging the development of new varieties of plants, for the benefit of society). The Act introduced intellectual property protection in Indian agriculture and is the worlds only IPR legislation which grants intellectual property rights not only to the plant breeders but also to the farmers. Objectives of the Act o To recognize and protect the rights of farmers in respect of their contributions in conserving, improving and making available plant genetic resources for the development of new plant varieties. 63o To accelerate agricultural development in the country, protect plant breeders rights; stimulate investment for research and development both in public & private sector for the development new of plant varieties junior science refresher buy. 

junior science refresher

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription

world focus magazine subscription Published this article page no  114 Indias status: o In India around 50 million people have been displaced due to development projects in over 50 years. o The tribals who comprise 8.08% of Indias population are estimated to be more than 40% of the displaced population. Dalits constitute 20% of displaced persons (DPs). o Study of 54 large dams done by the Indian Institute of Public Administration concluded that the average number of people displaced by a large dam is 44,182. Risks associated with Development-Induced Displacement Landlessness: Expropriation of land removes the main foundation upon which peoples productive systems and commercial activities are constructed. This is the principal form of de-capitalization and pauperization of displaced people, as they lose both natural and human-made capital. Joblessness: The risk of losing wage employment is very high both in urban and rural displacements for those employed in enterprises, services, or agriculture. Unemployment or underemployment among resettlers often endures long after physical relocation has been completed. Homelessness: Loss of shelter tends to be only temporary for many resettlers. But for some, homelessness or a worsening in their housing standards remains a lingering condition. Marginalization: Marginalization occurs when families lose economic power and spiral on a “downward mobility” path. Economic marginalization is often accompanied by social and psychological marginalization, expressed in a drop in social status, a feeling of injustice, and deepened vulnerability. Food Insecurity: Forced uprooting increases the risk that people will fall into temporary or chronic undernourishment, defined as calorie-protein intake levels below the minimum necessary for normal growth and work world focus magazine subscription buy.

world focus magazine subscription

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no 89 HSN is an identification code developed by the World Customs Organisation. o It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for custom purposes. o Custom organizations use this code to clear every commodity that enters or crosses any international border. o India has 8 digit Indian Trade classification (HS) code based on Harmonised System of Coding.  Now importers will have to approach Ministry to seek HSN code within 30 days from Directorate General of Foreign Trade. 89  This measure will help government to assess what is being imported country and ensure zero tolerance for substandard products and services. For example regulators might themselves use AI to identify violations within a massive set of compliance data.  Absence of widespread expertise in Al technologiesThis could lead to policy decisions being taken based on a narrow spectrum of opinions o There are large gaps in data collection preparation and benchmarking capabilities. Gap between richest and the rest o The worlds richest 1% have more than twice as much wealth as 6.9 billion people. o Indias richest 1% of the population hold 42.5% of national wealth while the bottom 50% the majority of the population owns a mere 2.8% o An additional 0.5% tax on the wealth of the richest 1% over the next 10 years can create 117 million jobs in education health and elderly care etc junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher Published this article page no 142  ○ Incorporate Integrity Pacts where possible and appoint more Independent External Monitors (first approved by CVC in 2016 for 132 procuring entities).Close coordination between CCI and Governments Departments PSUs to detect and deter unfair practices. Revamp and strictly enforce blacklisting rules for corrupt firms.Periodic awareness and training of procurement officials in all aspects of public procurement for capacity building at various governance levels. INTERNAL PARTY DEMOCRACY Why in News? Recent furore over factionalism in the ruling Congress in Punjab and the question regarding the leadership of the party at the nationallevel in recent months has made it important to understand the larger issues of innerparty democracy in political parties (PP) in the country. About Political Parties and Inner Party DemocracyA political party is an organised group of citizens who hold common views on governance and act as a political unit that seeks to obtain control of government with a view to further the agenda and policy they profess.Though the Constitution of India provides for cooperative societies which is a fundamental right under Article 19 (1)(c) but the Right to form political parties is not.  Internal democracy in political parties refers to the level and methods of including party members in the decision making and deliberation within the party structure. Why Internal Party democracy becomes significant in Indian democratic system? India is one of the most vibrant and robust multiparty democracies in the world which has sustained despite all challenges for over seven decades now. However it needs Internal Party democracy to succeed and sustain its democracy Junior Science refresher buy.

Junior Science refresher

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  70 PURVODAYA SCHEME  Ministry of Steel in partnership with CII and Joint Plant Committee recently launched PURVODAYA Accelerated development of eastern India through integrated steel hub in Kolkata West Bengal.  It aims to enable swift capacity addition and improve overall competitiveness of steel producers both in terms of cost and quality.  Through this programme the government aims to transform logistics and utilities infrastructure which would change the socioeconomic landscape in the eastern India. o It would also develop steel clusters and transform critical logistics and utilities infrastructure.  It would encompass Odisha Jharkhand Chhattisgarh West Bengal and Northern part of Andhra Pradesh thereby increasing contribution of eastern region to total steel production from present 70% to 87%.  As per the National Steel Policy 2017 government aims to develop a total steel production capacity of 300 million tonne by 203031 where around 200 million tonne is envisaged from the five eastern states. AROGYA SANJEEVANI POLICY  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority has mandated all general and health insurance companies to offer a Standard Health Insurance Product (SHIP) named Arogya Sanjeevani.  The health insurance market has a number of individual health insurance products at the moment. It may be challenging for the customers to choose an appropriate product. o Arogya Sanjeevani aims to address this challenge.  SHIP is aimed at taking care of basic health needs and enabling seamless portability among the insurers.  Important features o Minimum and maximum sum insured will be Rs 1 lakh and Rs 5 lakh respectively. o Minimum and maximum entry age will be 18 and 65 years with lifelong renewability and there is no exit age while for children under Family Floater policies it will be 3 months to 25 years. o Policy will only be an indemnity policy. It means it will work on a reimbursement basis. o The standard product should have the basic mandatory covers such as hospitalization expenses prepost hospitalization Ayush treatment. o The premium under this product will be the same across India and no geographic location or zone pricing will be allowed Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Monday, July 4, 2022

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no  15 Failure of contraceptive methods can be stated as a reason for seeking abortion by married women only. What is Social Mobility?  It can be understood as the movement in personal circumstances either upwards or downwards of an individual in relation to those of their parents. o In absolute terms it is the ability of a child to experience a better life than their parents. o On the other hand relative social mobility is an assessment of the impact of socioeconomic background on an individuals outcomes in life.  It is much broader than just looking at income inequality. It can be measured in reference to a wide range of outcomes—such as health or educational achievement. o Health o Education (access quality and equity lifelong learning) o Technology o Work (opportunities wages conditions) o Protection and Institutions (social protection and inclusive institutions).  Key Findings o Denmark holds the first place followed by Norway Finland and Sweden. o India ranks 76th out of 82 economies. It ranks 41st in lifelong learning and 53rd in working conditions. o Five economies most to gain from boosting social mobility are China the United States India Japan and Germany. o It calls for a new financing model for social mobility Improving tax progressivity on personal income policies that address wealth concentration and broadly rebalancing the sources of taxation can support the social mobility agenda. o Increasing social mobility by 10 per cent would benefit social cohesion and boost the worlds economies by nearly 5 per cent by 2030.  MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY (AMENDMENT) BILL 2020 Why in News? Recently Cabinet has approved Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill 2020 for amending Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971. Salient features of proposed amendments  It proposes requirement for opinion of one registered medical practitioner (RMP) for termination of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of gestation and introducing the requirement of opinion of two medical practitioner for termination of pregnancy of 2024 weeks of gestation.  Enhancing the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks for special categories of women including survivors of rape victims of incest (Sexual relations between close relative) and other vulnerable women (like differentlyabled women Minors) etc Junior science refresher buy.

Junior science refresher

civil services chronicle

 civil services chronicle

civil services chronicle Published this article page no  22 However the petitioners have argued that such blanket restrictions violate the fundamental right and is unconstitutional.  Also restrictions of such a wide scale for a period spanning over three months can be invoked only by declaring an emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution. Such restrictions cannot be imposed through orders of District Magistrates under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. o A declaration of emergency under Article 352 will be subjected to periodic review of the Parliament and that way possibilities of abuse could be checked. Supreme Courts observation On Internet shutdown  Freedom of speech and expression through the medium of internet is a fundamental right under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.  The restrictions on internet have to follow the principles of proportionality under Article 19(2). o Doctrine of proportionality is a principle that is prominently used as a ground for judicial review in cases of administrative action. o The doctrine essentially signifies that the punishment should not be disproportionate to the offence committed or the nature and extent of the States interference with the exercise of a right must be proportionate to the goal it seeks to achieve.  Freedom of trade and commerce through internet is also a constitutionally protected right under Article 19(1)(g).  Suspension of internet for indefinite period not permissible. It can only be for a reasonable duration and periodic review should be done. Government should publish all orders of prohibition to enable affected persons to challenge the same. Section 144 CrPC  civil services chronicle buy.

civil services chronicle