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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 4, 2022

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no  15 Failure of contraceptive methods can be stated as a reason for seeking abortion by married women only. What is Social Mobility?  It can be understood as the movement in personal circumstances either upwards or downwards of an individual in relation to those of their parents. o In absolute terms it is the ability of a child to experience a better life than their parents. o On the other hand relative social mobility is an assessment of the impact of socioeconomic background on an individuals outcomes in life.  It is much broader than just looking at income inequality. It can be measured in reference to a wide range of outcomes—such as health or educational achievement. o Health o Education (access quality and equity lifelong learning) o Technology o Work (opportunities wages conditions) o Protection and Institutions (social protection and inclusive institutions).  Key Findings o Denmark holds the first place followed by Norway Finland and Sweden. o India ranks 76th out of 82 economies. It ranks 41st in lifelong learning and 53rd in working conditions. o Five economies most to gain from boosting social mobility are China the United States India Japan and Germany. o It calls for a new financing model for social mobility Improving tax progressivity on personal income policies that address wealth concentration and broadly rebalancing the sources of taxation can support the social mobility agenda. o Increasing social mobility by 10 per cent would benefit social cohesion and boost the worlds economies by nearly 5 per cent by 2030.  MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY (AMENDMENT) BILL 2020 Why in News? Recently Cabinet has approved Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill 2020 for amending Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971. Salient features of proposed amendments  It proposes requirement for opinion of one registered medical practitioner (RMP) for termination of pregnancy up to 20 weeks of gestation and introducing the requirement of opinion of two medical practitioner for termination of pregnancy of 2024 weeks of gestation.  Enhancing the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks for special categories of women including survivors of rape victims of incest (Sexual relations between close relative) and other vulnerable women (like differentlyabled women Minors) etc Junior science refresher buy.

Junior science refresher

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